al leong

Ep. 17: Chang Sing #1 (Minutes 80-85) with James Lew

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Marital arts choreographer, associate producer, and Big Trouble in Little China actor James Lew (Chang Sing #1) joins the Podcast Express in discussing his experiences on the film, as well as Minutes 80-85, which cover the amazing fight scene in the Great Arcade.

Ep. 16: A Toast, Sir! (Minutes 75-80) with Stephen Escudero

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Stephen Escudero from the BTiLC and Vundablog podcasts joins Josh and Brett to discuss Minutes 75-80 of Big Trouble in Little China. Featuring the Eyeball Guardian, a notable toast, two stabbed characters, and an unusual wedding ceremony.

Ep. 15: The Editor’s Best Friend (Minutes 70-75) with Ian Kezsbom

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Minutes 70-75 cover the heroes entering Lo Pan’s Domain, white eyes, a pile of fish, interrupted exposition, speculation on Lo Pan’s wedding reception, Egg Shen fan fiction, and the Eyeball Guardian. Featuring special guest (and editor) Ian Kezsbom.

Ep. 12: Scooby-Doo and the Magic Knife (Minutes 55-60) with Asterios Kokkinos

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Minutes 55-60 come at us from New York Comic Con, where special guest Asterios Kokkinos discusses with Josh and Brett sewer pipe intimacy, Scooby-Doo moments, destroyed Buddha statues, heroism, and a magic knife.

Ep. 4: Don’t Come Late to the Meeting (Minutes 15-20) with Dennis Ruel

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Minutes 15-20 bring us to a mysterious narrow alley in Chinatown, a funeral, two fighting tongs, a Chinese stand-off, and plenty of fighting. Featuring guest martial artist, actor, and stuntman Dennis Ruel.