
Ep. 19: 6.9 on the Richter Scale (Minutes 90-95) with Rob Heinsoo

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In our penultimate episode, game designer of the Legendary Big Trouble in Little China Board Game Rob Heinsoo joins the Podcast Express for Minutes 90-95. Featuring Lightning’s final showdown, a neat crossbow, a classic escape, and a unique ending.

Ep. 13: Long, Wispy Hair (Minutes 60-65) with Kai Roath and Daven Hayes

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This week Brett drives the Podcast Express along with fellow San Franciscans Kai Roath and Daven Hayes through Minutes 60-65, discussing the Chinese Wild Man, Gracie’s encounters with Lo Pan, famous Chinatown gangsters, and lots of movie references.

Ep. 12: Scooby-Doo and the Magic Knife (Minutes 55-60) with Asterios Kokkinos

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Minutes 55-60 come at us from New York Comic Con, where special guest Asterios Kokkinos discusses with Josh and Brett sewer pipe intimacy, Scooby-Doo moments, destroyed Buddha statues, heroism, and a magic knife.

Ep. 11: Memoirs of a Wing Kong Staff Guard (Minutes 50-55) with Lia Chang

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Big Trouble in Little China actress Lia Chang (Wing Kong Staff Guard) discusses Minutes 50-55 with Josh and Brett, and her unique experiences working on the film. Featuring Lia’s fight scene, Jack’s heroism, a smoke-filled staff, and damp heroes.

Ep. 10: A Ride at Disneyland (Minutes 45-50) with Audra Wolfmann and Lena Horowitz

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For their 10th episode, Brett and Josh bring their partners in crime, Audra Wolfmann and Lena Horowitz, to discuss Minutes 45-50. Featuring a round skeleton room, Chinese myths and legends, Jack’s double piggyback ride, and a wild wheelchair ride.

Ep. 9: The Beleaguered Boss (Minutes 40-45) with Pete Mummert

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Indeed! Minutes 40-45 reveal Mr. David Lo Pan in his legendary wheelchair-laden verbal joust against Jack and Wang. Returning guest Pete Mummert from the Indiana Jones Minute joins Josh and Brett in discussing Pantene moments, divinity, eyes, and the difficulties of running an evil organization.

Ep. 7: White Tiger Rumpus and Ground Deerhorn (Minutes 30-35) with Tom Taylor and Gerry Porter

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Minutes 30-35 take us to the White Tiger’s, where we discuss Chinese girls with green eyes, animated lightning, protein shake concoctions, and calling the president. Featuring Tom Taylor and Gerry Porter from the Indiana Jones Minute Podcast.