Jack Burton’s Boots (Moccasins)
If you’re interested in a pair of calf-skin moccasins like the ones Jack sports in the film, Internet sources seem to suggest they were custom-made for Kurt Russell by a company called “Bald Mountain Moccasins”, which has split into a company called Catskill Mountain Moccasins.
Supposedly they’re not cheap… may be around $1000 US…
Late for Dinner (Trailer)
BTLC screenwriter W.D. Richter directed this 1991 film, which Jim O’Kane notes has a similar feel dialogue-wise to BTLC.
Dean Cundey, A.S.C.
Learn more about Big Trouble in Little China’s cinematographer Dean Cundey on Wikipedia and IMDB.
I-Ching and Oracle Bones
Learn more about Egg’s divination methods using possible I-Ching and Oracle Bones.
Sun Lik Beer
Check out the site about Egg and Uncle Chu’s beer of choice, Sun Lik, the UK’s #1 Draft Chinese Beer (must be over 21).
Check out these sites for Mullet inquiries: